Uncle Neil and Maya having a delightful time
playing a game together. Maya and Neil have a connection that is so cute
to watch. When Maya was about two years old we forgot to bring her night
gown to Lynda's house. So Lynda put one of Uncle Neil's T shirts on Maya. Ever since then, when we put her in a large T shirt to sleep
in, she calls it her Uncle Neil nightgown. She passed this on to Little
Van as well, so he calls them Uncle Neil nightgowns
Uncle Neil and Aunt Gina, took the kids out bowling for their first
time. This was so much fun. The kids wanted all of Neils tips on
bowling. He even got Maya to bowl like a big girl instead of just rolling
the ball down the alley.
Now, Little Van's ball would take so long to get
down the alley so they would both just sit there and wait to