Kids everywhere, laughing, playing with trains, a little whining and knock knock jokes. This explains today so far. The kids are thrilled to death right now. We are still helping our Friends out so they can get packed to move. We have their two boys this evening and two more boys to add. Maya is so excited, Brendan brought water balloons to play hot potato with and got the sprinkler set up to run through. I picked up three pizzas for Brendan to cook for them. Yes, Brendan is on duty this evening. I have school this evening till 10pm. I am sure this will not be a surprise to you all, but I think Brendan is just as excited about the water balloons as the kids and the sprinkler. Maya and Van are so lucky to have the coolest dad around. I have Ethics class all weekend long. YUCK!!! I will let you know how it goes.
Love to you all, and remember to pray for Neil. I hope you listened to the song above we hope this for all of you.